There's a reason I'm not a poet

Posts tagged ‘i mean look’

Things that need to happen

Trust me

You guys.



I keep remembering this and either getting a stupid grin on my face or having a wee wiggle dance to celebrate.

To actually celebrate we had our graduation ball last night which was fantastic. Spent the evening going round to everyone saying “Hello Dr Smith”, “Hello Dr Whithershins” which was THE MOST FUN THING EVER. There was also a fireworks display which felt amazing to watch because it was essentially put on just for us.

The dean spoke for a bit, and admitted that although the university always goes on about what makes a good doctor, she couldn’t not leave us without three principles to follow, so I’m writing them down here so I don’t forget:

  • Competence- first and foremost, be good at your job and know how to help people
  • Attention to detail- follow things up, don’t take things for granted and always keep your eyes open
  • Kindness- often overlooked, but it’s a job that revolves entirely around interacting with others, and I’ve seen myself how this can pay dividends

Anyway I’d best head off as my family are arriving in a few hours and I have a lot of packing that should be finished before then.

One last time: I’M A DOCTOR NOW


Who let him out

I never knew I needed a dog until right now