There's a reason I'm not a poet

Archive for December, 2014

Tis the season to be disgustingly greedy

I haven’t posted on here for quite some time now, been slightly out of whack with my routine over the past few weeks and this is one of the things I’ve let slip a bit. I had some night shifts in November and ever since then I haven’t really gotten back to normal mode.

Nights were interesting: while there were stressful bits, and others were you just generally felt a bit wick because there just wasn’t a way to get everything done, it actually felt quite good to be doing the work of an actual doctor; as opposed to my daytime job of a secretary with phlebotomy skills. I think I was a bit lucky though in that while I had one or two bad nights I didn’t have any horrendous ones, so maybe I’m getting a slightly sunshine biassed version of out of hours work.

Outside of the hospital I’ve been having lots of fun with my friends, eating, drinking and being on the merry side of life. The Christmas market opened up which obviously means one thing: EXTREME NUMBERS OF WAFFLES. Sadly now that I have a job I couldn’t get to the market every day of the week but I certainly gave a decent try. I’ve also been on a few work nights out which were great craic: it’s a good bunch of people that I work with and me getting drunk and making a fool of myself seems to not have scared them off too much.

One of them in particular has done me a big favour and agreed to cover half of my Christmas Day shift. This was actually one of the reasons I decided to come home and work- I figured that if I ended up working Christmas Day, it would be a lot less depression to miss the day and come home to my parents’ house at night than to return to an empty flat in England. But still I figured it’d be nice to get at least some time at home and she kindly covered the morning part of my shift, which unfortunately for her proved to be much more stressful than the evening part! While it was sad to miss parts of the day I should at least be glad I got to enjoy some of them, and importantly got to eat stupid amounts of food.

In the time it’s taken me to write this blog I’ve eaten half of a cheesecake. I may have a problem.

So the plan now is to get back into my good routine, to become a functioning person and do things like exercise, blog, and say no to delicious cheesecakes. I’m gonna be one of those Good People Of The World.

Ah frick- I think I’m making a New Year’s resolution here. Balls, now that is lame.